Tuesday, June 15, 2010

back home safe

Sorry for the lack of updates -- we traveled a long way on very poor and bumpy roads and did not get to bed before 2 or 3 am the last three nights! Had some wonderful opportunities -- saw orphanages at Berizka, Vorzel, and Level Four at Znamenka in Khirovograd region! Lots of improvements! Lots of old friends! Friday night we spoke at a conference on helping work with children with Down Syndrome for a group of volunteers getting ready to work at Vorzel -- they want us back this winter to speak at a conference for 150 preople! God is Awesome! Debbie was a blast with her sharp wit and great attitiude! Kate was marvelous working with the orphans -- even the ones with severe disabilities! Next year we plan a late June trip with three teams -- therapy team, youth team (to pair up with Ukrainian youth from Almaz church), and construction crew! More to follow, but so good to have: Hot Shower, soft bed, and Sweet Tea! Not necessarily in that order! And fo course to be back home with our children! Thanks for all your prayers and support! We poured cement for a playground and flushed out the heating system at Vorzel! Thank you Orphans' Promise! Blessings and Love from Ukraine!

1 comment:

  1. Dave,
    We continued your worked at Vorzel, fitted a child in one chair and in the stander! Hope they use them! Awesome trip! Check my blog! Sandie
